Global Warming Potential – Multi-Project Comparison Graph per Unit Area by Assembly Group

This graph compares the absolute value of the Global Warming Potential index across selected projects by life cycle stages on a roadway surface area basis. A per roadway surface area total bar for all life cycle stages is also provided across the projects being compared. Each project’s roadway surface area is determined from the user provided roadway surface area entered in the "Add or Modify Project" dialog.

A minimum of two, to a maximum of five, projects may be compared in any given comparison graph. Each project is displayed side-by-side.

Assembly Group Definitions:

Extra Material
Include all extra materials defined via the "Extra Basic Material" assembly for the project roadway.

Include all structural materials defined as a floor assembly for the project roadway.

Include all structural materials defined as roof assembly for the project roadway.

Columns & Beams:
Include all structural materials defined as a column and beam assembly for the project roadway.

Include all structural materials defined as a wall assembly for the project roadway.

Include all structural materials defined as a foundation assembly for the project roadway.


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