Air Emissions – Absolute Value Graph by Assembly Group


The column values on the Absolute Value graphs for Air Emissions and Water Emissions were unreadable in the Version 4.0 release.

These graphs have been disabled for the Version 4.1 release.

Users are advised to use the Table version of these reports.

This set of graphs displays the emissions to air for each air emission type by assembly group inclusive of structural and envelope effects for each assembly group. The report is broken into two graphs: the first graph displays all air emission absolute values by type, excluding CO2 and biomass CO2 air emissions; the second graph displays CO2 and biomass CO2 emission values.

Assembly Group Definitions:

Extra Material
Include all extra materials defined via the "Extra Basic Material" assembly for the project roadway.

Include all structural materials defined as a floor assembly for the project roadway.

Include all structural materials defined as roof assembly for the project roadway.

Columns & Beams:
Include all structural materials defined as a column and beam assembly for the project roadway.

Include all structural materials defined as a wall assembly for the project roadway.

Include all structural materials defined as a foundation assembly for the project roadway.


All Table and Graph reports use a "Report Viewer", that has a common toolbar. Each member of the common toolbar is detailed in the "Report Toolbar" page.