Rating System Comparison Reports - LEED v4 Whole-Building LCA Report

The LEED v4 Whole-Building LCA Report button provides users with the option to pre-fill and export a LEED v4 template file with information from the IE for Buildings.

After generating the report file, you only need to add the missing project specifics before submitting the completed file for the LEED v4 Whole Building LCA credit.

Comparison Reports present a table of LCA Measures required by the rating system, for two buildings, a Reference and a Proposed design, and the percent difference between the two. The total effects include embodied and operating energy effects, and the user can choose his or her system boundary, A to C or A to D, according to the EN 15804/15978 reporting format. For further explanation of Modules A to D, click here. The image above shows a sysem boundary of modules A to C, but the A to D table is in the same format.

The percentage difference is calculated as (Reference Design - Proposed Design) / Reference Design.

The table and graph can be exported to Excel or PDF for inclusion in a rating system submission (for Excel, the table is exported as a table, but the graph is exported as a jpg picture).

This table displays the LCA Measure results prescribed by USGBC for LEED v4:

  1. Global Warming Potential
  2. Acidification Potential
  3. Eutrophication Potential
  4. Ozone Depletion Potential
  5. Smog Potential
  6. Non-Renewable Energy Consumption

For more information on Whole-Building LCA in Green Building Programs, please read the Athena Guide to Whole-Building LCA in Green Building Programs report found here on the Athena Institute website.