LCA Measure Graph by Assembly Group

This graph displays the LCA Measure embodied results by major assembly group. The total effect is also provided for the project, desegregated on the basis of sub-group contributions over the expected life of the project. The image shown here is for Global Warming Potential, but the format also applies to all of the LCA Measures:



These graphs display only the embodied effects of each project, operating energy results are NOT included. Also, these graphs show the results for modules A to D of the EN 15804/15978 reporting format. For further explanation of Modules A to D, click here.


Assembly Group Definitions:

Extra Material
Include all structural and envelope materials defined via the "Extra Basic Material" assembly for the project building.

Include all structural materials defined as a floor assembly for the project building.

Include all structural materials defined as roof assembly for the project building.

Columns & Beams:
Include all structural materials defined as a column and beam assembly for the project building.

Include all structural materials defined as a wall assembly for the project building.

Include all structural materials defined as a foundation assembly for the project building.


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